Co-linearity (Part 2)
Last post was concerned
with co-linearity in regression problems, and how one chooses to deal with it.
The Normal equation was mentioned before:
\mathbf{\beta}_d &=& \left(X_{nd}X_{nl} \right)^{-1} X_{ml} Y_m
and, we can also introduce the ``hat'' matrix:
\hat{Y}_n &=& X_{nd} \mathbf{\beta}_d \\
&=& X_{nd} \left(X_{n^\prime d}X_{n^\prime l} \right)^{-1} X_{ml} Y_m
\mathbf{H}_{nm} &=& X_{nd} \left(X_{n^\prime d}X_{n^\prime l}
\right)^{-1} X_{ml} \\
\hat{Y}_n &=& \mathbf{H}_{nm}Y_m
which, as you can see, puts the ``hat'' on our initial response observations,
$y_m$. This smoothing matrix depends on an inversion, and as mentioned before
most solvers will fail if the data matrix has too many features and not enough
data points. But the way around this is through Bayesian methods. We'll start
by noting that the likelihood from last post was the Likelihood of the data,
given the model:
P(X,Y \vert \mathbf{\beta})
But, what if we'd like to write -- for some, more intuitively and accurately
-- the likelihood of the model, given the data? This can be written as:
P(\beta \vert X,Y) &=& \frac{P(X,Y \vert \mathbf{\beta})
The second term on the numerator is something called a prior, and encodes our
a priori beliefs on the values of $\mathbf{\beta}$ in our model. If we specify
a Normal Prior, with some variance $s$, we get:
P(\mathbf{\beta}) &=& \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi s^2}} e^{-\beta^2/2s^2}
The term $P(\mathbf{\beta} \vert X,Y)$ is called the posterior, and represents
our ``new'' beliefs on the model after accounting for the data that we have
seen. Now, taking the log of the Posterior instead of the log of the
likelihood -- and ignoring the term in the denominator since it contains no
dependence on $\beta$, we get:
\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\beta} \vert X,Y) & = & -\frac{N}{2} \log(2\pi
\sigma^2) - \frac{(\beta_d X_{nd}-Y_n)^2}{ 2\sigma^2 } - \frac{1}{2} \log(2
\pi s^2) - \frac{\beta_d \beta_d}{2s^2} + \mathcal{O}(X,Y)
Taking the gradient with respect to $\beta$ now, we get an extra term in our
\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}(\mathbf{\beta} \vert X,Y)}{\partial \beta_d}
&=& \frac{(\beta_l X_{nl}-Y_n)}{ \sigma^2 } X_{nd} +
\frac{\beta_d}{s^2} \\
\frac{X_{nd} Y_n}{\sigma^2} &=& \beta_l \left(
\frac{X_{nl}X_{nd}}{\sigma^2} + \frac{\delta^K_{ld}}{s^2} \right) \\
X_{nd} Y_n&=& \beta_l \left( X_{nl}X_{nd} + \delta^K_{ld}
\frac{\sigma^2}{s^2} \right) \\
\beta_l &=& \left( X_{nl}X_{nd} + (\sigma/s)^2 \right)^{-1} X_{nd}
We see that we've just got an extra term in the inverted matrix -- namely the
ratio of sample variance to prior variance -- which adds to the diagonal of
the feature $l,d$ covariance estimate. What this does, practically speaking,
is make the inverted matrix much more likely to be non-singular, and therefore
resilient to have more features that datapoints, $D > N$.
As $s$ get's smaller, what we essentially do is put isotropic, downward
pressure on the $\beta$ coefficients, pushing them down towards zero. This
$L2$ norm or regularization on our model has lots of nice properties, and
depending upon the strength of our prior, we can use it to protect against
very ``ill-defined problems'', where $D >> N$.
The standard name for the method is called ridge regression, and people
continue to be unaware of its benefits, such as protecting against
co-linearity, and getting a sense of what regression coefficients do over
varying strengths of regularization -- called a regularization ``path''.